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Got questions? Here are frequently asked questions.
What Can I Ride?The trails are classified into single-track and double-track trails. Single-track trails are open to motorcycles only. Double-track trails are open to motorcycles and ATV/UTVs less than 50" in width. Side-by-side UTVs over 50” in width (or ROVs) and Jeeps are permitted on roads only. Riders may be cited for operating a vehicle on a trail not intended or signed for that use.
Where Can I Ride?The designated trails that are signed on the ground and shown on the map. Any existing trail that is visibly open and not signed as closed. Any existing road that is visibly open and not signed as closed or not otherwise regulated for commercial or management use. (See Forest Service Road restrictions below).
Where Can’t I Ride?Roads or trails that are strewn with debris in an effort to close them. Cross-country or making your own trail. In streams, wet areas, bog areas, or the marshy perimeter of any stream or lake. No Mudbogging! Forest Service Roads (FSRs) which are shown in red on the map unless you have proof of liability insurance ($200,000 minimum) and a valid driver’s licence. Road cutbanks or fillslopes. Ride the roadway only. Private land without the owner’s permission. Behind any gate or in mines, quarries, or other tenured activities. The flaglines of proposed trails.
What Are The Equipment Requirements?Spark arrestors are required year-round. These must be an integral part of the exhaust system and be manufactured to meet USDA - Forest Service or approved equivalentCanadian standards. The entire exhaust system must fit tightly with no leaks. Sound must be muffled to 96 dbA or less.
What Else Do I Need To Know?Riders must participate in the Bear Creek Trail Pass Program as fees are in effect. Helmets meeting Canadian Standards Association (CSA) specifications are required. Operating an OHV under the influence of drugs or alcohol is prohibited. Riders may be cited for operating vehicles in a careless, reckless, or damaging manner on oroff trail. Please Tread Lightly! Operating a vehicle in a manner that threatens the safety of others or property is prohibited. There are no age restrictions, however, it is strongly suggested that the vehicle size fit the size and capability of the rider.
Will my cell phone work at the Bear Creek OHV area?YES, the Okanagan Trail Riders Association have invested in a cellular booster station for the Aspen Trail Head. It is a simple device that can be used to reach 4g service in the imediate area of the station. As per the rest of the area it depends on your location. If you have line of sight to Blue Grouse Mtn you will likely have service. Cellular signal strength can be limited and dependant upon your chosen provider. Be aware that much of the trail system has no service at all.
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